Alina Teuber, M.Sc.

Photo of Alina Teuber

Position: PhD-Student

Room no.: CP-02-133

Telephone no.: +49 231 755 7052

Member of the group since: 07/2020

University Degree: M.Sc. in Chemical Biology, TU Dortmund University

Expertise: protein expression and purification, protein crystallization, biochemical evaluation


Off-Lab activities (hobbies): soccer, transverse flute, cooking

Research projects:

c-KIT and PDGFRα are the driving oncogenes in gastrointestinal stromal tumors. There are already accepted kinase inhibitors for treatment of these cancer diseases but development of secondary mutations leads to treatment resistances. For the structure-based design and optimization of new inhibitors crystal structures of the target proteins are necessary to achieve a deep insight into the protein in complex with the ligands. Such insights can lead to further compound optimization. Additionally the biochemical evaluation of the synthesized compounds on c-Kit- and PDGFRα mutants are part of my project.

Earlier positions:

Bachelor and Master studies in the group of Prof. Dr. Daniel Rauh on expression and crystallization of EGFR mutants, c-KIT and PDGFRα